environmental science
Dr. Jedediah (Jed) Silver
Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Development economics, Agricultural productivity, Misallocation, Credit, risk, and factor markets
Dr. Nimrod Schwartz
Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Head of Department
Soil-root interactions and water and nutrient uptake, Spectral induced polarization for non-invasive detection of rhizosphere processes.
Dr. Alon Nissan
Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Uncover the dynamic interactions between physical, chemical, and biological components affecting the carbon cycle
Dr. Maya Engel
Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Biogeochemical Processes in the Environment, Nutrient and Contaminant Dynamics, Elemental Cycling
Dr. Abigail Hurwitz
Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Pensions, Insurance, Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Decision making
Dr. Lianet Noda-Garcia
Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Evolution and synthetic biology of bacterial biofilms
Dr. David Helman
Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
M&M-VS Lab, near Kennedy-Lee buildings
Crop modeling, Digital Agriculture, and Remote Sensing
Dr. Ohad Raveh
Senior Lecturer
Head of Department
Natural Resource Economics, Public Economics, International Economics.
Prof. Yacov Tsur
Ruth Ochberg Chair in Agriculture
Natural resource and environmental economics, Dynamic models in natural resource management.
Prof. Avi Simhon
Associate Professor
Technological change, macroeconomics, economic growth and development economics.