environmental economics
Dr. Jedediah (Jed) Silver
Development economics, Agricultural productivity, Misallocation, Credit, risk, and factor markets
Dr. Abigail Hurwitz
Dr. Ohad Raveh
Dr. Judith Rivlin
Numerical Analysis, Numerical Solution of Flow Equations, Mathematical Models in Consumer Economics.
Prof. Zvi Lerman
Institutional change in agriculture, land reform, farm restructuring, creation of service cooperatives.
Prof. Eithan Hochman
Environmental Economics and Management, Microeconomic models for industrial and farming behavior.
Prof. Eli Feinerman
Economics of water utilization and water policies; Agri-environmental integrated policy; Decision making under conditions of uncertainty; Counter-urbanization and development of rural areas.
Prof. Yacov Tsur
Prof. Avi Simhon
Dr. Guni Orshan
Dr. Guni Orshan
Passed in 2022
Game theory and its applications
Prof. Ayal Kimhi
The economics of family farms; Public policy in agriculture, labor markets, education and aging. Structural changes in the farm sector; Farmers' time allocation, exit and retirement decisions; Intergenerational transfers and farm succession.