PERACH tutoring project

Info for Visitors

Bus: Many bus lines stop in front of the Faculty, including lines 26, 164, 201, 274, 301, 367, 371

Train: The faculty is located a short walk south of the Rehovot train station. The train schedule is available here.

Car: Entrance for private cars must be arranged before visiting.

Accommodations:  The Reisfeld Residence is an affordable, quiet and comfortable on-campus housing facility for international and Israeli visitors.
To reserve a room, contact

Ms. Gili Avidor Gafni

Tel: ++972-8-9489658
Fax: ++972-8-9463894

A special project in which students adopt and tutor school- children from low socio-economic backgrounds and help them with their social and academic skills.


PERACH , an acronym in Hebrew for "tutoring project", also means a "flower". PERACH pairs up needy children from underprivileged backgrounds with university students who act as their tutors, giving the child personal attention (often sorely lacking) and serving as a role model.
The care that PERACH children receive from their mentors, helps them realize their potential and blossom into motivated individuals.


1. The strong link between the volunteer spirit of the student-tutor and the reward and incentive of a scholarship, covering part of the university tuition fee.

2. PERACH focusing mainly on one-to-one tutorship, targeting the underachieving socially disadvantaged children in elementary schools, with a variety of ancillary activities added gradually to this core.

3. Empowering various universities and colleges to provide the administrative backbone for running the project, under national headquarters and a unified system of operations.


More info about Perach at their site: