Popular Enrichment Courses

Info for Visitors

Bus: Many bus lines stop in front of the Faculty, including lines 26, 164, 201, 274, 301, 367, 371

Train: The faculty is located a short walk south of the Rehovot train station. The train schedule is available here.

Car: Entrance for private cars must be arranged before visiting.

Accommodations:  The Reisfeld Residence is an affordable, quiet and comfortable on-campus housing facility for international and Israeli visitors.
To reserve a room, contact

Ms. Gili Avidor Gafni

Tel: ++972-8-9489658
Fax: ++972-8-9463894

The Faculty opens its doors to all Rehovot residents, and offers a variety of different courses, which encourage the population to broaden their general education. More than 300 people attend these courses, which are held during afternoons and on Fridays.

For more information, contact

Ms. Ofira Amin

Tel: 08-9489990 ofiraa@savion.huji.ac.il


course brochure