The aim of the visit was to identify opportunities and strengthen collaborations to increase the effectiveness of agricultural practices and food processing; to identify potential industry partners; and to explore opportunities for shared student experiences that can lead to industry connections and eventual full-time employment.
Like the College of ACES, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is a worldwide leader in the study of agriculture, nutrition, and environmental quality. Scientists at the Faculty have developed groundbreaking innovations in irrigation, soil solarization, and growing vegetables with long shelf stability. Israel is nearly two-thirds desert; however, it effectively manages its limited water resources and is a global pioneer in creating successful agricultural solutions for arid environments.
“What’s beautiful about international collaborations like this one is that we all are trying to address similar problems, but we’re trying to apply these solutions to the context we live in,” Kidwell says. “I hope we can work together to take on some of the most serious challenges that are facing people on this planet, including food security, environmental health, and well-being.”