Prof. Itamar Aroch Clinical Associate ProfessorPhone: +972-(0) pageSmall animal internal medicine.
Prof. Gad Baneth ProfessorRybak-Pearson Chair in Veterinary MedicinePhone: +972-(0)3-9688557, +972-(0)8-9489977 pageVector-borne and zoonotic diseases.
Prof. Gila Kahila Bar-Gal Associate ProfessorPhone: +972-(0) pageEvolution, co-evolution, domestication and conservation.
Dr. Daniel Barkan Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)Phone: +972-(0) pageHuman and animal mycobacterial diseases.
Dr. Ehud (Udi) Elnekave Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)+972-(0) SiteBacterial foodborne infections epidemiology and evolution
Prof. Yuval Gottlieb-Dror ProfessorPhone: +972-(0) Symbiosis Labpersonal pageVeterinary entomology.
Prof. Shimon Harrus ProfessorPhone: +972-(0)3-9688546 pageInfectious diseases, vector-borne diseases.
Prof. Eyal Klement ProfessorPhone: +972-(0) pageVeterinary public health, Epidemiology.
Prof. Eran Lavy Associate ProfessorPhone: +972-(0) pageSmall Animal Internal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology.
Prof. Ron Ofri ProfessorPhone: +972-(0)3-9688554 pageVeterinary and comparative ophthalmology.
Dr. Tal Raz Senior LecturerPhone: +972-(0) pagelab siteReproductive Biology and Theriogenology.
Dr. Omer Revah Senior PageNeuroscience, Human Stem Cells, Developmental disorders
Dr. Lionel Sebbag Senior LecturerDVM, PhD, Site Veterinary and Comparative Ophthalmology
Prof. Dalit Sela-Donnenfeld ProfessorPhone: +972-(0)8-9489533 pageDevelopmental Biology, Molecular Embryology.
Prof. Merav Shamir Clinical Associate ProfessorPhone: +972-(0) pageClavarial Hyperostosis in LionsVeterinary neurology neurosurgery, wild animal neurology.
Dr. Neta Shlezinger Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)+ 972-(0) pageHost-pathogen interactions and fungal immunology
Prof. Nahum Shpigel ProfessorPhone: +972-(0)8-9489534 pageEpidemiology and pathogenesis of infectious diseases in large animals.
Prof. Amir Steinman ProfessorPhone: +972-(0) pageEquine Internal Medicine, Equine Neurology, Large Animal Pharmacology
Prof. Hylton Bark page Infectious and zoonotic diseases of companion animals.
Prof. Michael Gutnick EmeritusPhone: +972-(0)8-9489875 mike.gutnick@gmail.compersonal page Normal and pathological physiology of the vertebrate central nervous system.
Prof. Ron Shahar EmeritusPhone: +972-(0) pageBone biomechanics, experimental and numerical/analytical modeling.
Prof. Igor Zusman EmeritusPhone: +972-(0)8-9489030 Serological methods in human colon cancer diagnosis.